Sunday, May 15, 2011


This morning we ran the Bay to Breakers race.

This year marks the 100th year of the the race!

Our costumes were 100% made up from items we had at our house and incredibly tame compared to others. Yes, I'm wearing a neon leotard  and side ponytail (B said that really made the outfit). B cut those jorts last night. I think his fanny pack really made his outfit (and was quite handy!).

This year we ran 100% of the race completely sober. In years past we've only celebrated and never made it to the finish line. While both are fun, I'd have to say running is my favorite; you can enjoy the craziness and feel accomplished, all by 9:30am.

After the race we stopped for a few celebratory drinks in honor of a successful B2B and to kick of B's birthday weekend!

In my opinion...
Best group costume: A group of salmon, walking the opposite direction of the race.Hilarious!
Worst group costume: Where's Waldo. Hello, that's so last year.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

best part is that you had all this just on HAND. amazing.

another amazing thing: i recognize that amazing leotard.

and in twi fashion, i LOVE the salmon costume. SO great!